Bernadette – Melbourne

“34 year old city slicker who believes the only way to get to and forth work by bike”

Why do you ride?

It’s’s really really convenient and it’s faster than taking public transport.

Best thing about cycling?

Not having to plan where you’re going to go at what time.  You can just go, and not worry about packing, or tram tickets or anything like that.

What improvements would you like to see for cyclists?

I’m not sure.  I don’t really cycle through the city very much.  I guess I don’t really need to but I feel like cycling in the city is a bit stressful, there’s not really an easy pathway through.

Fondest cycling memory?

Probably getting taught to cycle by my dad and that moment where you look behind and realise he’s not holding onto the bike anymore but he’s like 20 metres back.

Cycling tip?

Stay off the busy streets, use lots of lights.

3 things you’d love the world to know about you?

Those are big ones. Pass.

This entry was published on 07/08/2012 at 07:52. It’s filed under Melbourne and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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